Mahsa & Artem - 12 Years in the Making (Persian - Russian Wedding at Magrath Mansion)

1987 - "Mahsa and Artem are born in Tehran, Iran and Omsk, USSR. And both soon become trouble." "Mahsa's dad spends hours cuddling her to sleep at night... only when he'd lift the blanket to see if she finally fell asleep, he'd just find two huge eyes staring at him in the dark." "Meanwhile in Russia, Artem becomes a successful member of a boy band trio keeping the entire hospital awake at night." Year 2004 - "Mahsa and Artem meet each other at Jasper Place High School on April 14, through a mutual friend." "They spend the rest of the school year having lunches together, with hot coffee in Artem's green thermos always at their lunch table." "Their school days end with walks to the bus stop and riding the same bus. As they wait for the bus, Artem makes his first shy attempts to hold hands with Mahsa." Year 2005 - "Mahsa and Artem both enter University, her studying Science and him studying Business....