The wedding day preparations are well underway when the first sun rays hit Sacramento, California: Virpal is almost ready and she couldn't look any happier: 2 hours south from there I begin my day with Gagan and his family, in Fremont: The Sehrabandi is the ritual where the groom's sisters and sister cousins tie the sehra to his forehead: For reasons that still elude me after 6 years of photographing Sikh weddings, it's always a complicated process: And requires heavy assistance from all the ladies in the family: The result is worth every effort, though: Gagan is eager to leave to get married. Or maybe he just wants to ride fly this beast all the way to Sacramento: The raagis play shabad in front of the West Sacramento Gurdwara. This is the first custom I see here that doesn't happen in Canada: Another unusual (for me) thing is the fact that the negotiations between the two families take place before the Anand Karaj...