
Showing posts from June, 2014

Nidhi Got Emmanuel

  Emmanuel: "Nidhi and I met few years ago in Winnipeg (would not want to reveal the year, that would probably give away our age!). We were both leaving in the same residence, and the first time we met I tried to make a joke that did not make her laugh. That same evening, she fell asleep while I was talking non stop.. This successful first day did not stop us from spending more time together and was actually the beginning  of a fun life together, full of adventures, travels and special moments ."   It's my first time ever at the lovely Royal Glenora Club in downtown Edmonton: Encore une fois, congratulations, Nidhi and Emmanuel! Thank you so much for inviting us to your wedding reception! love.more.cosmin

Sukh & Navi Are Bringing Summer to Town

 Thank you so much guys for playing with me for two hours! Can't wait for the wedding next month! love.more.cosmin

Puja & Raj - Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, Who's More Married of Them All?

Puja: "We were two busy students in two different states: Raj in law school in DC, busy with summer internships, studying the wonderful world of patent law, and Puja, nearing the end of medical school rotations in Queens, applying to residency and taking in the sights and sounds of New York City. With our schedules, it felt like the odds were against us. But here we are! After many trips back and forth between NY and DC, our friendship grew and our relationship flourished. Nothing could keep us apart."  My first wedding at the elegant Wedding Pavillion, in Calgary.  It's also the first wedding here of Cloe, the white mare:  She seems to enjoy it, just like everyone else in the baarat:  By now, Raj is so used to ride, he has to be carried inside:  Last touch ups for Puja:  And the last selfie:  Here comes the bride:  And there sits the groom mesmerised:  There are many rituals during the Vedic wedding ceremony:  But I might not be able to...